I wonder if even one MP asked why DoC staff feel so threatened that they need $11 million of public money to protect their staff again the NZ public they are supposed to represent when New Zealanders generally love the Outdoors.
I wonder why they went ahead anyway and gave them more of our money to build more barriers between us, and more money to spread yet more poison- despite all the evidence of cruelty, breaches of the Wildlife and Animal Welfare Act and that it is not achieving their stated objective. If poison is the answer, surely we are asking the wrong question. .
I wonder why the Minister of Health is too busy to accept an invitation to meet with world 5G expert Professor Dariusz Leszczynski who was on the WHO/IARC advisory panel that classified RFEMR as a Class 2B carcinogen during his public lecture tour of Auckland, Wellington and Nelson New Zealand this month.
Maybe its too hard to pretend our carefully chosen NZ experts know better when you are actually face to face with a world expert.
Does anyone else spot the similarities between the EPA’s rejection of the WHO classification of Glyphosate as a Class2A carcinogen and the Minister of Health being too busy to meet on 5G.
Does anyone else wonder why our Minister of Health assumes 5G is “safe” to role out throughout NZ where it will exposure us 24/7 without any informed consent – and without even and evidence to show its safe- yet he is concerned about the risk of people growing and using the hemp plant unless it is pharmaceuticalised.
Anyone would think our NZ government doesn’t care about community and environmental wellbeing and is more interested in money…..