Inquiries and offers of support please email:
2022 NZ Peoples Inquiry into the NZ Covid Response and Reframing Democracy
An inquiry by the people, for the people, to ask and answer the questions that the government, media and/or big pharma have suppressed, to make recommendations about an exit strategy and reclaiming democracy
The People’s Inquiry is a public review by concerned New Zealanders of NZ government actions and decisions and will seek alternative solutions to empower New Zealanders to reclaim their lives and the future of our country.
The 2022 NZ Peoples Inquiry into the Covid Response and Reframing Democracy arises from desperation over the increasingly arbitrary, extreme measures adopted by the NZ government.
Its been a time of emergency legislation and dramatic loss of many of the freedoms we once took for granted. The government has actively closed down alternate voices and created a culture of division and discrimination.
The Covid response has created significant social, cultural and economic harm impacting mental health, education, kiwi culture and small businesses.
Issues of particular concern:
a) the pervasive “cancel culture” and increasing control and censorship of freedom of speech and expression including of mainstream and social media and
b) the loss of our freedoms of expression and movement and closing down of alternative viewpoints;
c) the single focus on an experimental injection rather than more established ways of enhancing immunity
d) heavy use of public funds for propaganda and social influencers resulting in a campaign of fear and bullying
e) the apparent absence of an exit strategy
f) the apparent absence of any competent independent forums for public views or input into the Covid response
g) the increasing fear that unless the people unite to be heard, our great Kiwi lifestyle and all that we love about New Zealand.
Please let us know anything else you would like included
The Peoples Inquiry team is connected with many NZ and international groups who are questioning the Covid Response. The purpose of this inquiry is to learn from and collate their work to create a report and recommendations focusing on a positive way forward for New Zealand to reclaim our culture, freedoms and future.
Questions for individuals- to build an anonymous database
A) If you declined one or more Pfizer injection, what was the main reason/s?
B) If you received one or more Pfizer injection, what was the main reason?
Where did you get your injection (doctor/vaccination centre/workplace/at home/hospital/other)
What information were you given before you received or declined the Pfizer injection?
Did you ask any questions, and if so how helpful was/were the answers?
Did you freely give informed consent or was their coercion?
What if any adverse effects did you notice after the injection and how long did they last?
Who did you get help from and how helpful were they?
Were your adverse effects reported to: a) ACC? b) your health and safety register and/or c) to CARM and if not, why not?
Are you willing to receive a booster injection each 4 months, and if so, how many more times?
Any other comments:
Proposed Questions for the Inquiry (please let us know if you have expertise and can help with any of these topics and if you can help in any other way)
What is Covid and does it justify a prolonged Emergency Response?
What exactly is Covid?
Is there really a pandemic or is it just a change of definitions?
How serious is it compared to say the Spanish Flu and other Pandemics
Why have we been relying on the PCR test when the inventor and WHO say its not fit for purpose?
Why were other rapid tests banned by the NZ government in April 2020?
Why has the government focused on deaths with Covid rather than deaths from Covid?
Would other statistics such as the loss of years of life from Covid, offer a more helpful perspective?
The government covid response
Were government decisions justified and what alternative approaches could have been adopted?
Who drove the NZ government response?
Who ensures accountability and prevents abuse of power?
What will it take for the NZ courts to set aside a bad law?
What better checks and balances could we have on government?
Is it really just about health?
What alternatives are there to lockdowns, masks and experimental injections?
Why the heavy focus on the experimental Pfizer injection?
What can we learn by comparing factors behind good and bad outcomes in other pandemics and in other countries?
Who closed down conversations about alternatives such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Vitamin D and why?
Thoughts on the Pfizer injection Comirnaty
Is this a vaccine?
How does the Pfizer Vax work?
Is Comirnaty different or the same as the Pfizer Vaccine?
What does the government mean by “safe and effective”- is that a legal test or just spin?
Is it safe enough to justify its provisional approval?
Is it safe enough to justify mandating its use with No Jab No Job laws?
Why were we not told about boosters?
The Pfizer Contract
What’s in the Pfizer contract and why has it been kept secret?
Why was Pfizer given an indemnity by the government and what does this cover?
The role of Medsafe
Does the injection contain graphene oxide or similar substances, and if so, what is their purpose?
How can a new medicine be given provisional consent before clinical trials are complete and before we know if its safe or effective?
If Medsafe is not satisfied that its benefits exceed its risk, why is it being rolled out to the entire population?
Who drives Medsafe?
Who drives government health policy?
Informed Consent, NZ Bill of Rights, the Cartwright Inquiry and the Nuremburg Code
What is it to be human if we don’t have sovereignty over our own bodies?
What is informed consent?
When can we be compelled to have medical treatment under duress?
Why are more doctors not questioning the Pfizer vax and the duress?
Why is Covid treated differently than other infections?
Transparency, accountability and democracy
What level of transparency, accountability should we expect in New Zealand?
In a democracy, the government is supposed to represent he people, be transparent and accountable, and act in the public interest
Its supposed ot be our information not theirs
The Official Information Act
Democracy lost?
Follow the Money
How do we disconnect money and power?
Where to from here?
What’s is and should be our exit strategy?
Who is accountable?
What have we learned?
Let’s imagine and create the future we want. Designed for the people not corporations
How do we protect and enhance democracy for the future?
Possible Recommendations
Lets create….
A peoples constitution to protect our fundamental rights and freedoms
A new approach to science
Lets create a new model for health that recognises the science of immunity, nutrition, environment, lifestyle and community
Where are the Checks and Balances on the Abuse of Power?
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
NZ laws
International law
The Executive
The judiciary
Human Rights Commissioner
Health and Disability Commissioner
Police independence